ADS8166IRHBR Electronic Components

ADS8166IRHBR Electronic Components Made in China can be bought with Low Price from Kinglionski, which is a professional high quality ADS8166IRHBR suppliers in China.The ADS8166IRHBR is afamily of 16-bit, 8-channel, high-precision successiveapproximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) operating from a single 5-V supplywith a 250-kSPS total throughput.

The input multiplexer supports extended settling time, which makes driving the analoginputs easier. The output of the multiplexer and ADC analog inputs are available as device pins.This configuration allows one ADC driver op amp to be used for all eight analog inputs of themultiplexer.

ADS8166IRHBR Electronic Components Parameter (Specification)

Compact low-power data acquisition system:
MUX breakout enablessingle external driver amplifier
16-bit SARADC
Low-drift integrated reference andbuffer
0.5 × VREF output foranalog input DC biasing
Excellent AC and DC performance:
SNR: 92 dB, THD: –110 dB

INL: ±0.3 LSB,16-bit no missing codes

Multiplexer with channel sequencer:
Multiple channel-sequencing options:
Manual mode, on-the-fly mode, auto sequence mode, custom channel sequencing
Early switchingenables direct sensor interface

Fast response time withon-the-fly mode

System monitoring features:
Per channel programmable windowcomparator

False trigger avoidance with programmablehysteresis

Enhanced-SPI digital interface:
1-MSPS throughput with 16-MHz SCLK

High-speed, 70-MHz digitalinterface

Wide operating range:
ExternalVREF input range: 2.5 V to 5 V
AVDDfrom 3 V to 5.5 V
DVDD from 1.65 V to 5.5V

–40°C to +125°C temperaturerange

ADS8166IRHBR Electronic Components Feature And Application

Analog input modules
Multiparameter patient monitors
Anesthesia delivery systems
LCD tests
Intra-DC interconnect (metro)
Optical modules