Vettel unlikely to join midfield team in 2021 – Steiner

Haas boss Guenther Steiner doubts Sebastian Vettel would settle for a seat with a midfield squad should the four-time world champion decide to race on in F1 in 2021. Vettel’s shock exit from Ferrari at the end of the season leaves the German driver with few options for next year. A plum seat at Mercedes …

Mytek HiFi Brooklyn D/A processor–headphone amplifier

When I moved to New York City about a year ago, I was prepared to dislike Brooklyn. Judging it by its reputation as the apotheosis of cool, I envisioned the borough full of good-looking people engaged in pointless acts of mindless, stylish conformity, from man-buns to single-origin pour-over coffee. (Anyone up for adult kickball?) As …

Pro-Ject Audio Systems Stream Box S2 Ultra network bridge

I have reviewed several network-connected music servers in recent years, from Antipodes, Aurender, and NAD. All performed well but are relatively expensive, and their associated player apps didn’t equal Roon’s user friendliness in terms of interface, organization of the library, and inclusion and updating of metadata. So when Roon Labs introduced their own server, the …

Métronome Technologie AQWO SACD/CD transport and D/A processor

In an era when polar opposites compete as absolutes, it can be a challenge to acknowledge the different and equally valid ways in which audiophiles approach musical truth. But the reality is that our perceptions of how reproduced music should sound are determined, to a large extent, by how we approach the live experience. For …

Nursing Home Strike Called Off, Workers Will Not Walk Out Friday

CHICAGO — Thousands of nursing home workers at dozens of Illinois nursing homes will not walk off the job Friday after their union reached a tentative agreement with nursing home owners on a new contract. The two-year deal brings starting base wages above $15 an hour for more than 10,000 workers at over 100 nursing …

Masques contre le coronavirus : gare aux infections de peau !

Porter un masque pendant la crise de Covid-19 peut provoquer des infections cutanées, alerte une spécialiste de la peau, qui fournit quelques conseils pour se protéger tout en conservant une peau saine. En pleine pandémie de Covid-19, le port du masque s’avère indispensable, notamment pour le personnel soignant, afin de se protéger et de limiter …

Le cancer, parlons-en

Grande priorité de santé publique, le cancer touche700 000 Français et 250 000 nouveaux cas sontdiagnostiqués chaque année. Le plan quinquennal delutte contre le cancer lancé par le Ministère de laSanté en février 2000 a fixé des axesd’action prioritaires : accès aux meilleurs soinsdisponibles, prévention, dépistage, conditions devie, droits des personnes malades et recherche. Mais …

Americans Worried But Hopeful Amid Coronavirus: Ad Council

During the new coronavirus pandemic, there are outcomes we as Americans cannot choose. From lost jobs to canceled events to where the outbreak hits, coronavirus has unavoidably impacted us all in one way or another. However, we can choose our attitudes toward the pandemic and, according to a new Ad Council study, Americans from every …