Primo Colon States His WWE Wellness Policy Violation Wasn’t For Failing A Drug Test

Despite WWE suspending Primo Colon last week for failing the company Wellness Policy, the tag team wrestler has claimed it wasn’t for failing a drug test.

WWE suspended both Primo and Robert Roode for 30-days after their first offence of the policy. But in an interview with Primera Hora, Primo opened up about the situation.

Primo stated that he didn’t want to pay for a trip from Puerto Rico to simply just take a drug test.

“I wasn’t on the road with WWE, I wasn’t scheduled for any event in the near future. I was in Puerto Rico when they suddenly called me, not to use me, but to get me to travel and go through a drug test. I was ready to do it, but I told them that I was in Puerto Rico and was willing to go to a lab [here in Puerto Rico]of their choosing to do the drug test without problems. I just wasn’t going to pay for a trip that was simply going to be a drug test,” Primo said.

Primo continued, stating that nobody got back to him about the situation and WWE took it as that he was just out of the country.

“From then on, I didn’t hear a response on the matter and I thought they would call me when they found a place for me to go do the test. Two months passed and I get a letter saying that I am suspended, according to them, because I denied wanting to do a drug test. And that’s just not right. They took it as I was out of the country, but not available,” Primo said.

He made it clear that he never actually failed a drug test, as he wanted to make sure his reputation was fine.

“I don’t want them to say that I failed for testing positive because that is totally false and incorrect. They usually do drug tests at events, have someone there to recover the urine of wrestlers, employees and referees to do an evaluation once a month. I did not test positive for anything. I was in Puerto Rico. I have to clarify this because my reputation is worth more than any check,” Primo said.

Primo went on to discuss his situation with WWE, revealing when his contract runs out and how they’re not using him.

“I’m under contract with them until October 2020. They have the facilities to call me and use me if they went. If they don’t want to use me, they still have to pay regardless. They are using new guys and that’s how the industry goes. It’s basically like sitting on the bench and not playing,” Primo said.

H/T to for the transcriptions.

Source :

Primera Hora

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