Congress Contacts More WWE & TNA Superstars Regarding Steroids


Congress has sent a number of letters similar to the one that they sent to Lance Storm to other WWE and TNA talent. The mentality in WWE is very much one of Us vs. Them and several of the performers that have received letters have said that they will not talk to Congress about anything. There have been a few people that have agreed to talk to them as their attitude is that nothing is going to happen anyway.

The thing that Congress was very interested in was whether Vince McMahon ever flat-out told people to get on steroids, and of course he did not. The feeling is that Congress is aware that they have nothing on McMahon personally and steroids are an industry-wide issue that is almost impossible to get under control. As one source put it, the wrestling business has a bigger is better mentality that is so entrenched in people’s minds that no matter what happens, guys are going to try and skirt the system even with testing.

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