Georgetown Student Goes Viral After Eating Pizza At Cohen Hearing

WASHINGTON, DC — You might call this PizzaGate 2.0, although the origins are a bit more light-hearted. And the Georgetown University student behind it is getting his own pizza named after him as a result of his newfound fame.

It happened during the nine-hour hearing this past week featuring testimony from President Trump’s former fixer, Michael Cohen, on Capitol Hill. During a live on-camera interview in the hallway outside the hearing, an unidentified man could be seen in the background scarfing down a pizza before being alerted that he was in a live shot and then sheepishly walking off camera.

The video went viral — even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) tweeted a sympathetic joke about it — but most people surmising that he was a Capitol Hill intern were wrong. “Hallway Pizza Guy,” who hasn’t identified himself, went on Reddit to set the record straight: he’s a Georgetown University student who wanted to score a seat at the dramatic hearing. In fact, he said he had to get up at 5 a.m. in order to get in, which might explain why he was so hungry.

But there was another development after the video went viral: in the Reddit AMA, the unnamed student revealed the pizza in question was from the chain &pizza. Not surprisingly, &pizza took advantage of the branding opportunity and created a pizza just for him.

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