Disney Is Pulling Its Movies From Netflix—Here’s How You Can Still Stream Them 

Even though we were *just* beginning to enjoy the beautiful partnership between Netflix and Disney, it appears the companies are consciously uncoupling because Disney is starting its own streaming platform.

Disney CEO Bob Iger announced today that Disney is launching its own streaming service in 2019, kicking off with the company’s major theatrical releases for the year, including Frozen 2 and Toy Story 4. The streaming platform will also house all Disney and Pixar films, as well as many of the company’s television shows.

But don’t worry, we don’t have to say goodbye to the Disney films in our Netflix queue *just* yet, as Disney won’t be pulling its films until the end of 2018.

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Despite losing Disney and Pixar films, Netflix will still be streaming Marvel TV series, and will maintain a relationship with Disney in various other capacities. The partnership between Netflix and Disney struck up in 2012 but, as pointed out by The Verge, only *really* really went into effect last year. Because of it, Netflix customers have been able to enjoy recent Disney hits such as Rogue One and Moana just months after they’ve left theaters.

In order to get its streaming service off the ground, Disney bought the majority ownership in BAMTech, an MLB streaming platform. Additionally, Disney plans to launch a streaming platform for ESPN, which has been struggling with TV subscribers in the digital age.

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While we’re certainly sad to see such an amazing (and convenient) partnership end, we aren’t totally surprised to see Disney venture out on its own. And yes, we’ll be watching Moana over and over again as we enjoy the last of the Disney/Netflix partnership.