蒂格称福克斯快如闪电 他终结了我的职业生涯

北京时间8月28日,据Clutch Points报道,前NBA后卫杰夫·蒂格在其播客节目中透露了促使他考虑退役的转折点。他坦诚地表示,这一决定部分原因是受到了国王队后卫达龙·福克斯的影响。 “达龙·福克斯结束了我的职业生涯,伙计。他太快了,快如闪电.……那是我第一次说,我想替补出场……如果你愿意,我觉得你可以让泰厄斯·琼斯首发,”蒂格直言不讳,“我认为我将会和那些速度相同的球员交手。” 值得一提的是,即将在下赛季与福克斯同场作战的德罗赞也同意蒂格的观点,强调福克斯的节奏极具挑战性。 Keyword: NBA zhibo

考辛斯谈重返NBA的看法 不会再去说服别人带我回去

在北京时间9月10日的报道中,前NBA全明星球员德马库斯-考辛斯在加盟中国超三联赛后,近期接受了媒体采访,并谈到了他对可能重返NBA赛场的看法。 考辛斯说道:“我不会再去让这些人相信(我有能力打NBA)了。你们知道我的实力,事实已经证明了这一点。如果你真的想了解我,你就会花时间来了解我,而不是听别人说。我已经不再试图接触别人了。如果有合适的机会,我会考虑的,但我不想再说服他们了。” Keyword: NBA live zhibo

What is Material Hardness? How to Compare Different Engineering

The product development process encompasses several minor processes, and material selection is the most essential among them. Every material has different mechanical properties and capabilities. And to make the right material choice, you need to determine the type of loading conditions your part will experience. For instance, if you’re looking to design a part (or …

Inert ceramic balls AI2О3 21-45, 16 mm

Material Ceramics Nozzle type Inert balls Operating temperature +1200°C Analogue for Munters, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, AMACS, Ultimo Engineers, MTE, Pall Ring Company, НКС DOLSIN, MACH Engineering LLC Producer BTS Engineering AL2O3 content 21-45% Application десорбера, насадочных колонн, декарбонизатора, очистки газов, абсорбера, дегидратации, дистиляции, ректификации, сатурации воды Diameter, mm 16 Pour density, kg/m3 1400-1500 Description Inert …

Inert ceramic balls AI2О3 13-17, 16 mm

Material Ceramics Nozzle type Inert balls Operating temperature +1000°C Analogue for Munters, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, AMACS, Ultimo Engineers, MTE, Pall Ring Company, НКС DOLSIN, MACH Engineering LLC AL2O3 content 13-17% Producer BTS Engineering Application десорбера, насадочных колонн, декарбонизатора, очистки газов, абсорбера, дегидратации, дистиляции, ректификации, сатурации воды Diameter, mm 16 Pour density, kg/m3 1300-1400 Description Inert …

Importance of Cable Verification, Qualification and Certification

When it comes to testing a cabling installation, there are essentially three choices–verification, qualification and certification. While some features overlap between test tools as you move up the hierarchical ladder from verification to certification, each type of testing answers one of the following questions to help you make the right choice. Is the Cabling Connected …

Inert ceramic balls DURANIT®, 3, VFF

Material Ceramics Nozzle type Inert balls Country of Origin Germany Specific surface area, m2/m3 45 Void factor, % 40-45 Analogue for Munters, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, AMACS, Ultimo Engineers, MTE, Pall Ring Company, НКС DOLSIN, MACH Engineering LLC Producer VFF AL2O3 content >20% Diameter, mm 72-80 Max.temperature, C 1 000 All features Pour density, kg/m3 1300-1400 Description …

Inert ceramic balls DURANIT®, 1/8, VFF

Material Ceramics Nozzle type Inert balls Specific surface area, m2/m3 1 285 Country of Origin Germany Void factor, % 40-45 Analogue for Munters, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, AMACS, Ultimo Engineers, MTE, Pall Ring Company, НКС DOLSIN, MACH Engineering LLC AL2O3 content >20% Producer VFF Diameter, mm 3-5 Max.temperature, C 1 000 All features Pour density, kg/m3 1300-1400 Description …

Inert ceramic balls DURANIT® X500, 5/8, VFF

Material Ceramics Nozzle type Inert balls Specific surface area, m2/m3 220 Country of Origin Germany Void factor, % 40-45 Analogue for Munters, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, AMACS, Ultimo Engineers, MTE, Pall Ring Company, НКС DOLSIN, MACH Engineering LLC AL2O3 content >20% Producer VFF Diameter, mm 14-17 Max.temperature, C 1 000 All features Pour density, kg/m3 1300-1400 Description …