Nick Aldis Says NWA’s Relationship with WWE Is Strong 

Nick Aldis has a lot of people he’d like to defend the NWA World Title against, but Triple H is at the top of his list. Aldis spoke with Chris Van Vliet and weighed in on how he would like to see a cross-promotional match in which he defends the title against The Game. He also said that there’s a “steady communication” between WWE and the NWA which is all positive, and dispelled the notion of having any heat with the company. 
You can check out highlights from the discussion and the full video below: 
On who he wants to defend the title against: “There are several, honestly. I mean, I know that I’ve said this before. I’ve always felt like to me, the ultimate sort of culmination of this journey and given this sort of historical context of all that stuff would be Triple H at Starrcade. You know what I mean? Like, here’s a guy who clearly, especially if you go back and look at his stuff in the early 2000s, clearly was trying to replicate the feel and the presence and the aura of Harley Race and Ric Flair and, you know, Dory Funk Jr., Jack Brisco, and guys like that. And he achieved it very well for a while. He’s reinvented himself several times, he’s had different incarnations of his persona. But that period, you could tell he was like, ‘This is what I wanted to be my whole life.’ And he had Flair with him. And so, I’ve heard through the grapevine that he has a replica of the Ten Pounds of Gold in a case in his office. I don’t know if that’s true or not, I’ve heard that. And it’s like, clearly he holds this in high esteem.” 
On the NWA’s relationship with WWE: “And again, I know that it might seem that there’s this sort of weird bitterness or energy, negativity with me and WWE. I have nothing but love for those guys, right? And they have been very good to us, actually. There’s quite a steady communication between the NWA and WWE about various different things, and its like, it’s very kind of positive. And like I say, if I go to stuff with Mickie or whatever, everyone there is cool, and everyone’s watching the stuff.” 
On if the match with Triple H could happen: “Why couldn’t it? … People didn’t think me and Cody couldn’t happen. Because ‘Oh, Cody’s in Ring of Honor. Well, that doesn’t work.’ Me and Marty, ‘Well, how’s that gonna work?’ Of course it can happen … The thing is, it doesn’t really need to be — it’s not like they have to work out some sort of long-term, huge sort of set-in-stone agreement. Just make a prize fight, you know what I mean?” 
On where he would want the match to happen: “For me, I always envisioned that it would be Starrcade. They own Starrcade, they own the IP or whatever. And it’s like, I’ve seen the last couple and thought, ‘That ain’t Starrcade, yeah?’ How is this Starrcade? You know? It’s not even a PPV. And I said, like, ‘How is this Starrcade?’ And again, whatever, right? They’re free to do whatever they want with it. But it’s like, do you not think there’s an opportunity to make it really cool and special? I don’t know.”Click Here: Cheap Vans Men Shoes