Update on Horsewomen vs. Horsewomen Storyline & Ronda Rousey in WWE

  • There appears to be multiple different ideas being discussed for the Horsewomen vs. Horsewomen program but one of the things that needs to be ironed out is how to explain the WWE quartet teaming up, since Charlotte and Becky Lynch are on Smackdown while Sasha Banks and Bayley are on Raw.

  • One thought is that if the company decides to run an angle at Survivor Series in November, they can blur the lines of the two brands since it will be a joint Raw/Smackdown PPV.

  • As for Ronda Rousey, while it was previously rumored that her first singles match in WWE would be against Stephanie McMahon, the consensus now is that if she wrestles in singles competition, it would likely be against Charlotte.

    Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at f4wonline.com

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