MEDINA, OH —Medina Police Chief Edward Kinney believes an active shooter scare at the Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital was a hoax. He said police searched the locked down campus and found no evidence of an armed suspect.
Police got a call at about 1:30 p.m. saying an armed woman had come into one of the campus’ medical offices. The entire hospital campus was placed on lockdown and law enforcment surrounded the buildings.
Search teams were then formed and police went floor-by-floor looking for an armed suspect. No such person was found.
Kinney said no witnesses inside the office building substantiated the claims made in the call. He believes the entire incident was a “hoax,” he said during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.
The Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital campus was on lockdown for nearly two hours because of the threat. The hospital system sent out a “Code Silver” alert, which warns patients and caregivers that an armed person may be on the campus.
The all-clear was given at about 3:30 p.m. The Ohio State Highway Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement were all involved in the search of the campus.
Social media users shared their “Code Silver” alerts that were sent out by the hospital system.
Patch will update this story throughout the day.
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Photo from Cleveland Clinic