'Hot Water Challenge' Leaves Indiana Teen With Severe Burns

INDIANAPOLIS — A dangerous internet challenge left an Indianapolis teen with his skin falling off his body recently, after his friend reportedly made him the center of the so-called “Hot Water Challenge.” WXIN reported 15-year-old Kyland Clark said he and his friend were looking up the challenge on YouTube before Clark fell asleep, and his friend decided to heat up some water and pour it on him. According to WXIN, Clark said it was supposed to be a joke.

However, that joke led to Clark waking up and discovering his skin falling off parts of his body, as the Hot Water Challenge caused second-degree burns to his back, chest and face, putting him in the hospital for a week.

Drinking or pouring boiling water on someone during the Hot Water Challenge has already killed a child in Florida, WXIN said, adding that doctors with IU Health said they’re starting to see more internet challenges put people in emergency rooms.

According to the news report, Dr. Ed Bartkus, EMS director at Methodist Hospital, said possible outcomes of the Hot Water Challenge are permanent disfigurement due to burns or burns to the airway that could cause them to close, resulting in death, if someone drinks the boiling water.

Although Clark’s doctors said the teen should heal in the next few months, his mother Andrea Clark believes this could’ve been worse as her son could have died.

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