Emmanuel Macron a adressé les traditionnels vœux présidentiels aux Français lundi 31 décembre. Le chef de l’État s’est montré plus offensif que lors de sa prise de parole le 10 décembre dernier en pleine mobilisation des “gilets jaunes”. “Le chef de l’État a défendu sa politique, justifié ses choix, même s’il comprend la colère, les …
Les tribunaux saoudiens vont désormais notifier par texto les femmes dont le statut matrimonial aura changé, notamment en cas de divorce, selon une nouvelle loi entrée en vigueur dimanche 6 janvier, a indiqué le ministère de la Justice. Cette mesure semble avoir comme objectif de freiner les cas considérablement répandus d’hommes mettant fin secrètement à leur …
Dans son rapport, Oxfam insiste sur les inégalités à l’échelle planétaire. Celles-ci se traduisent dans les chiffres. La richesse des milliardaires dans le monde a augmenté de 900 milliards en 2018, soit au rythme de 2,5 milliards par jour, alors que celle de la moitié la plus pauvre de la population de la planète a …
Maintenant que Michael Fassbender a signé pour tenir le rôle principal de “The Counselor”, Ridley Scott cherche l’acteur qui lui fera face, et il aurait trois noms en tête : Brad Pitt, Jeremy Renner et Bradley Cooper. Mise à jour (9/3/2012) : à en croire le site The Playlist, Jeremy Renner serait entré en négociations …
The decision by the European Union over whether to launch accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania comes at a time the bloc is facing numerous challenges. However, the issues before us (Brexit, migration, instability in the neighborhood, the start of the new European Commission) must not distract us from what the EU has been …
The Red Devils have one of the best academy systems in the country and they’re confident they have the system in place to keep producing stars Click Here: NRL Telstra Premiership Manchester United vs Everton on December 15 was a game that will forever be remembered in the club’s history as a landmark occasion. The …
Reshuffle of senior Commission staff More than 20 management appointments announced. European Voice By Constant Brand 12/14/10, 9:20 AM CET Updated 4/12/14, 8:29 PM CET The European Commission today announced a reshuffle of senior management that will meet some of the calls for improved geographic balance. The Commission has made 23 appointments across 13 departments, …
Banking crisis was too big for public finances Ireland’s banking and property problems. European Voice By Ian Wishart 11/24/10, 9:12 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 8:22 PM CET Many of Ireland’s current problems date back to 2008, when the Dublin government became the first in Europe to recapitalise its banks. Much of Ireland’s growth had been …
European cybersecurity authorities warned Wednesday that state hacking groups are a major threat to the security of 5G networks, increasing pressure on telecom operators to take action against new risks linked to telecom suppliers like Chinese equipment maker Huawei. In an EU risk assessment report prepared by the European Commission and national cybersecurity experts, officials said …
An orangutan named Sandra, at the center of a landmark ruling in Argentina that said she is a “non-human person” entitled to some of the same rights as humans, is making her way to a Florida sanctuary where great apes enjoy those privileges without benefit of a court order. Once Sandra is there, the 33-year-old …