At least 63 more illnesses have been confirmed due to a salmonella outbreak that federal health officials have linked to raw turkey products. The new illnesses were added to the list since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s last update on Dec. 21.
In total, 279 people have become infected with salmonella in 41 states and the District of Columbia as of Feb. 13. At least one person has died and 107 people have been hospitalized, officials said.
The raw turkey products making people sick have come from a variety of sources, the CDC says.
Ill people have reported eating different types and brands of turkey products and at least four ill people lived in homes where raw turkey pet food was given to pets.
The CDC said a single, common supplier of raw turkey products or live turkeys who could account for the whole outbreak has not been identified.
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Below are all the recalls associated with the outbreak:
You can get more information from the CDC on the outbreak here.
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