FLOTUS for POTUS take two?
First lady Michelle Obama delivered what some were calling the most important speech of the 2016 presidential election in which she declared, “I can’t believe I am saying that a candidate for president of the United States has actually bragged about sexually assaulting women.”
“This is not normal,” she told the crowd. “This is not politics as usual. This is disgraceful. This is intolerable.”
Like virtually all other first spouses before her, Obama had been much more popular than her husband in the polls.
But with Hillary Clinton paving the way, could Michelle Obama’s powerful advocacy translate into elective office, even the presidency itself? She’s been adamant that she won’t seek political office or even work in politics after her husband has left office. Nonetheless, people are talking — no — they’re practically begging her to run for the presidency.
After her speech at the Democratic National Convention in the summer of 2016, some writers officially made the call, as Brent Budowsky wrote: “I will predict that the odds are even money or better that Michelle Obama will ultimately be drafted to run for the Senate and will run and be elected.” He says that would then set the stage for her to run for the top office a few years later.
But a growing contingent of fans online don’t have time to wait for all that:
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