After Palestinians Submit Formal Complaint with ICC, US Backers of Israel Lash Out with Threats

For the mere act of submitting documents to the International Criminal Court detailing Israel’s ongoing human rights violations and history of war crimes on Thursday, the Palestinian Authority is now facing a barrage of threats and rebukes from U.S. lawmakers and the White House.

The warnings followed the PA Foreign Ministry’s submission of documents to the ICC in the Hague on Thursday which provided prosecutors with information regarding Israel’s policies relating to last summer’s seven-week military assault on Gaza, the existence of illegal settlements, and continued mass detention of Palestinians living under occupation.

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“The United States has made it clear that we oppose actions against Israel at the ICC as counterproductive,” White House National Security Council spokesman Alistair Baskey said in response to the filing.

A handful of congressional representatives have already threatened to withhold $400 million in aid for the West Bank.

“By formally submitting allegations against Israeli forces to the ICC Chief Prosecutor, President [Mahmoud] Abbas has triggered a provision in U.S. law that suspends all economic assistance to the PA,” said Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee in a statement.

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